12 Luglio 2022 - 14.00/18.00
Azienda territoriale per l'edilizia residenziale di Trieste (ATER di Trieste) P.zza dei Foraggi, 6 - 34139 Trieste TS
The technical seminar aims to introduce the students to the main themes concerning the structural reinforcement of existing masonry buildings highlighting critical issues, remedies and intervention techniques.
Prof. Ing. Natalino Gattesco Università degli Studi di Trieste: Main structural criticalities of existing masonry buildings will be illustrated and discussed, highlighting their causes.
Dr. Ing. Allen Dudine Fibre Net S.p.a., Udine Main reinforcement techniques for existing masonry buildings related to the various critical issues encountered
Dr. Ing. Emanuele Rizzi Università degli Studi di Trieste Main results obtained from the experimental campain
Dr. Ing. Ingrid Boem Czech Technical University Prague Modeling of reinforced masonry with tested techniques