Radio Interview: "A Bridge between Italy and Slovenia: The C3B Project and Transboundary Biobanks"


In the interview aired on January 31st on the national radio channel Radio France Internationale, for the daily program Accents d'Europe, Claudio Tiribelli and Natalia Rosso from the LP Fondazione Italiana Fegato, and Massimo Gion from AULSS 3 Serenissima provided a fascinating overview of the Interreg ITA-SLO C3B Project and transboundary biobanks.

The C3B Project (Cross-Border Biobank) represents a significant step towards collaboration between Italy and Slovenia in the field of medical research. This innovative initiative combines the resources and expertise of both countries to promote the study and treatment of diseases through the analysis of biological samples.

In the interview, Claudio Tiribelli, an expert in molecular medicine, emphasized the importance of this cross-border collaboration in the fight against diseases. He highlighted how sharing data and biological samples allows for a deeper understanding of diseases and better customization of therapies.

Natalia Rosso provided insight into the role of biobanks in the context of medical research and highlighted how the C3B Project has overcome geographical and administrative barriers to facilitate the exchange of biological samples between Italy and Slovenia.

Massimo Gion emphasized the joint efforts of researchers and healthcare professionals involved in the C3B Project. He emphasized the potential positive impact that this cross-border collaboration could have on medical care and public health in both countries.

The radio interview (in French) offers an in-depth look at an initiative that represents an example of European cooperation in the field of research and healthcare. Thanks to the C3B Project and transboundary biobanks, Italy and Slovenia are "hand in hand" in tackling common medical challenges and improving people's lives through science and innovative research.

The full interview is available on the RFI website at the following link: