ENGREEN - Biological Evening: Forest Engineers - Woodpeckers and their role in the forest ecosystem


We would like to inform you that the 4th Biological Evening, organized by the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies of the University of Primorska, entitled Forest Engineers - Woodpeckers and Their Role in the Forest Ecosystem, will be held on the 12th of January 2022 at 7 pm, held by ornithologist Domen Stanič.

This time the event will take place in a hybrid form. The live lecture will take place at Glagoljaška ulica 8 a Koper/Capodostria.

You can follow us online at: http://upr-si.zoom.us/j/82928932580.

The event will be bilingual and will be conducted in Italian with the help of simultaneous translation. I invite you to join us and invite another acquaintance who might be interested in the lecture.

Details on the invitation in the attachment!

Invitation - IT-SI - 12.1.2022.pdf
( 277 bytes, published on 5 January, 2022 - 12:16 )