Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia: COVID-19 Circular no. 3/2021 - "Recovery Plan for Europe": risks to legality and regularity of expenditure and mitigation measures.


We inform beneficiaries of the issuance of Circular no. 3/2021 (Central Directorate for Finance, Protocol n. 0010223/ P, date 13/08/2021), which has become necessary considering the requests of the EC to initiate a review of the fraud risk assessment and the adjustment of the measures in place for the Program to mitigate new risks – in particular to respond to normative changes caused by the exceptional emergency status, which has led to greater flexibility.

Please also note that in relation to the declarations to be made by the beneficiaries for the periodic and final reporting of expenditures, we attach the template with which to declare to have/not have benefited, under the interventions/expenditures funded by the project, of additional measures to support the socio-economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you for your understanding.

( 226 bytes, published on 17 August, 2021 - 13:23 )
( 119 bytes, published on 17 August, 2021 - 13:23 )