The European initiative "Interreg Volunteer Youth" will also continue in 2021


The Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative, launched by the European Commission within the European Solidarity Corps and coordinated by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), will continue in 2021. From January around 30 volunteers have started their experience in cooperation across Europe with comprehensive insurance coverage and financial support.
The aim of this initiative is to search for and involve willing young people in the context of concrete European programs and projects that connect regions of different Member States, while at the same time promoting cross-border cooperation and solidarity.
Volunteers are employed for a period of 2 to 6 months to support the management structures of Interreg programs and projects by committing to getting closer to citizens and young people, according to the Manifesto for Young People by Young People to Shape the European Cooperation Policy.
Volunteers can also organize citizen engagement activities on behalf of the European Commission to share and communicate cohesion policy in their region.
Over the years, the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Program has greatly benefited from this praiseworthy initiative, considering young people a fundamental resource, capable of bringing a new vision to territorial cooperation and for this reason invites the projects it co-financed to do the same and host a volunteer!
Here you can find all the information to join the initiative: