ENGREEN - Biological evening "THE PLANTS TOLD ME"


On Wednesday 27 January at 19.00 the 4th event will be held on the ZOOM platform as part of the "Biološki večeri-Biological Evenings" " of the Univerza na Primorskem-University of Primorska from Koper.

Dr. Peter Glasnović will take us to the plant world of Slovenian Istria. We will discover how the varied history of this area has strongly marked the vegetation of the area.

You can connect directly via the invitation in the attachment, via the website https://bioloski-veceri.famnit.upr.si or the Facebook channel of the Engreen project https://www.facebook.com/ProjectENGREEN

The lectures can be viewed later on the Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo4k0N6tVVmvBcqZmbHO2_UX-1BL_uj_X

Do not miss this very interesting appointment!

Programme Event
Data evento: 
Wednesday, January 27, 2021