Next opening of the online reporting system and new ways of accessing the reporting system for Italian beneficiaries


With reference to the presentation of the next report, please note that the FEG system will be open from February 15th (7:00 am) to March 31st 2021 (6:00 pm) for the uploading of the reports. The sending of the uploaded reports will be possible only from 22 to 31 March 2021.

Furthermore, the new method of accessing the reporting system enters into force for the Italian beneficiaries.

Starting from February 2021, the "Simplification measures for the support and dissemination of digital administration" become effective: Article 24 of the Simplification Law (Law no. 120/2020, converting Legislative Decree no. 76/2020). In fact, with paragraph 4 introduces the obligation for Public Administrations to only use digital identities (SPID, Cns, Cie) to allow citizens access to web services.

The guidelines are available here: 

Documento informativo_Accesso al SI_ INTERREG V-A_IT-SI 14-20_ITA_F.pdf
( 157 bytes, published on 11 January, 2021 - 13:45 )
Istruzioni operative_Attivazione delega rendicontazione_solo BF italiani.pdf
( 735 bytes, published on 17 February, 2021 - 16:08 )