In addition to the email address , the following addresses are also active: and
In order to better and more quickly manage the numerous and various requests received daily by the JS, we kindly ask you to follow the subsequent instructions:
- for issues and requests related to the financial aspects of the project, please write to; some examples:
- Reporting and eligibility of expenditure
- Online reporting system - EGF
- Login FVG
- Validation of expenses
- Reimbursement requests and LP reports on project activities (including final reports)
- Settlement of expenditure and transfer of funds from the LP to the PP
- Requests for project modifications
- Authorizations for activities and missions outside the Program area
- for issues and requests related to the communication of the project, please write to; some examples:
- News to be published
- Verification of the application of the Visual Identity
- Project websites
- Reserved area for projects
- Project events
- Workshops and events organized by the Program
- for issues and requests related to administrative matters, please write to; some examples:
- Contracts and related integrations
- Modifications related to the composition of the partnership
- Changes in legal forms
- Changes related to legal representatives
- Constraint of intended use
- Various and any other business not included in the previous categories.