The strategic project "WALKofPEACE" wins the European contest "Interreg Project Slam 2020".


"Project Slam" is a European contest that takes place annually during the "European Week of Regions and Cities" and aims to promote the projects funded by Interreg programmes through their involvement in original and innovative performances that can effectively share and disseminate the benefits of the projects to a wider audience than in the Programme area.

The Managing Authority has joined the initiative, launched in April in full lock-down, involving immediately its funded projects with the support of the Joint Secretariat, to offer them the opportunity to receive guidance and training.

Among the projects that responded to the call of the Managing Authority was the strategic project WALofPEACE, funded under priority axis 3 and involving the Posoški razvojni center in Tolmino (LP) and, among others, PromoTurismoFVG, the Regional Authority for Cultural Heritage of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (ERPAC) and the Municipality of Ragogna. The project aims to maintain, explore and promote the material and immaterial heritage of the extraordinary historical significance of the First World War as a shared heritage in the Programme area, within established connections such as the Path of Peace between the Alps and the Adriatic. The project's goal is also to encourage the integration, updating and development of a new sustainable and culturally-oriented tourism, based on engaging presentations of World War I heritage and thematic routes.

Of the 300 European applications received, only 150 projects were admitted to the second phase of the contest and WALofPEACE was among the six projects selected to the final phase.
After an intense social campaign at European level, thanks to which WALKofPEACE's video has been viewed more than 44 thousand times, the Grand Finale of the contest was held online on October 14, 2020, with the finalists' live performances. The WALKofPEACE project was the most voted by the public, with about 400 virtual viewers who appreciated its strategic value for cohesion and collaboration between Member States.

Immediate reactions not only from the Managing Authority, but also from authorities at national level such as congratulations from the two Presidents of the Member States of the Programme, respectively the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella and the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, as well as at regional level.

The video of the WALKofPEACE project can be viewed here:

Watch the Final of the European contest "Interreg Project Slam 2020" here:

More information about the WALKofPEACE strategic project: