Initial press conference of the GeoKarst project

On Wednesday, 16 September 2020, the initial press conference for the GeoKarst project was held in the Municipality of Sežana, which otherwise started in February 2020.
The press conference was attended by representatives of all four project partners, whose leading partner is the Municipality of Sežana. The project partners are also: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - Direzione centrale ambientale ed energia – Servizio geologico; Public Institution Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenia and Regione del Veneto – Area Tutela e Sviluppo del Territorio – Direzione Difesa del Suolo. 
The goals of the project were presented at the press conference, with an emphasis on the main goal, which is the establishment of a cross-border geopark in the Karst. To achieve this goal, an act on the establishment of a cross-border geopark and a cross-border management plan is being prepared, as well as a dossier for submitting a candidacy for membership in the UNESCO global network of geoparks. The realisation of all project activities will contribute to many other achievements that are important from the point of view of upgrading cooperation in the Karst.
At the initial press conference, each of the project partners also briefly presented their role and the main purpose of participating in the project.
Articles about the GeoKarst project can be viewed or read in Dnevnik on Sloveniji 1 TV station, in Primorska kronika, Primorske novice, Primorski dnevnik, Il Picollo,...

Press release - 18/09/2020Press release - 18/09/2020
( 167 bytes, published on 1 October, 2020 - 12:34 )
Press release - 25/09/2020Press release - 25/09/2020
( 351 bytes, published on 1 October, 2020 - 12:34 )
Press conference - 1Press conference - 1
( 6 bytes, published on 1 October, 2020 - 12:34 )
Press conference - 2Press conference - 2
( 5 bytes, published on 1 October, 2020 - 12:34 )