Seminar - "30 years of Interreg: how European territorial cooperation makes Italy grow".


On 6 July, at 1.30 p.m., the seminar "30 years of Interreg: how European territorial cooperation makes Italy grow" organised by the Italian Agency for Territorial Cohesion will be held.

In 2020 Interreg celebrates 30 years, a key moment both to look back and celebrate what has been done and to set more ambitious targets for the future.
For Italy, Interreg means 19 operational programmes -10 of which with Italian Managing Authorities - and 1059 approved projects, 857 of them with Italian partners for a total of 2271 persons involved.

It is about financial resources, networks and results that have actively contributed to make Italy grow, to strengthen the European dimension and to reinforce the collaboration between territories in the management of the country's development. European territorial cooperation is at the heart of the European spirit. It encourages regions and states to face challenges that can only be solved by working constantly with each other. It serves as a working platform to combine the capacity to use European projects financed by the Regional Operational Programmes with the capacity to use European resources in a systematic way, facilitating, through supranational partnerships, the definition of the concrete needs of territories from a supralocal perspective.

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