EUROPEAN WEEK OF REGIONS AND CITIES: Interreg Italy Slovenia at the forefront for a greener Europe


On October  9 th 2019, the workshop “Interreg Italy-Slovenia Cap&Com pilot actions to foster a greener Europe” was held in Bruxelles in the framework of the European week of Regions and Cities, a unique annual four-day event organized in the Belge capital. 

From 7 th to 10 th October, in the framework of this event, Bruxelles hosted more than 9000 participants who could take part in more than 300 activities, such as workshops, conferences, exhibitions, seminars and meetings, and exchange good practices and technical competences in the field of regional and urban development.  

Interreg Italy Slovenia Cooperation Programme couldn’t miss this important moment, in which European Cities and Regions discuss and share experiences about growth and employment, cohesion Policy implementation, and importance of the governance policy both at regional and local level.

The workshop “Interreg Italy-Slovenia CAP&COM pilot actions to foster a greener Europe” was organized in this framework, where sharing and exchanging are the keywords.

Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia was recognized by European Union as a pioneer of best practice in terms of Greener Europe Strategy.

Workshop was introduced by Barbara Zilli, Minister of Finance, Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, who highlighted that this success makes the Region proud, and shows its attention paid to make the resources more efficient through new capitalization and communication models.

Workshop concluded with the Managing Authority of the Interreg Italy Slovenia Programme speech, focused on a cross-border cooperation to implement strategies and action plans by reducing pollution, with a look towards the future programming period 2021-2027.