Nat2Care: Griffon vulture round table


Dear vulturologist!


My name is Davorin Tome, I work on National institute of biology in Ljubljana. We are partner in a SI-IT Interreg project NAT2CARE, with partner institutions from Slovenia and Italy. Within the scope of the project we are organizing a workshop on Griffon vultures and beside project partners we are inviting all the people working with this species in Croatia, E Italy, Austria and Slovenia (roughly an area of Alpe-Adria subpopulation of vultures). Our understanding is that many people from all four countries work on this species and we think it would be nice if we meet and exchange some information about work and results.


Since we are in a tight schedule dictated by the project we will organize one-day workshop on 27. November 2019 in Ć kocjanski zatok near Koper. For the workshop you will not be charged any registration fee, we will provide coffee breaks and a meal. If you can issue a valid invoice we can even reimburse or at least meet some of your travel expenses (here we are a bit limited by a project rules).


Provisional agenda for a workshop is:

-before lunch all participants will have a short, 10 minute introduction/presentation, where he/she can stress his/her interest on vultures and present (as bullet points) his/her main results.

-after lunch we will have a discussion about feeding stations as a conservation tool for griffons

-there will be also a lot of time for individual talks, more elaborated agenda will be presented later. After the workshop a pdf of the workshop contributions will be issued, all communication will be in English.


We would be very happy if you would attend the workshop on Griffon vultures and we kindly ask you if you could send on my email address (see below) a short confirmation mail until  4th November 2019. You can bring your colleagues too, just please tell us how many will accompany you.




dr. Davorin Tome

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Funded Project Event
Data evento: 
Wednesday, November 27, 2019