Check out EC DAY video promo! Send your video: there's time until the 30th of June!!


Check out the EC DAY 2019 video promo, realized by the european programme Interact, for the promotion of the European Cooperation Day (EC DAY 2019)!

Also this year the cooperation programme Interreg V-A 14-20 would celebrate it on September 21th . Soon there will be available on our site further information on the organization of the event, based on raising awareness on the important role played by European cooperation in promoting development in border areas.

Something new is waintig for you in this year's edition: the award ceremony of the best video of the amateur competition “Why EUROPE IS YOU? How Europe benefits you?”

Remember, videos must be sent in by Sunday, 30th of June to join the competition! The winning video will receive 2 SMART WATCHES and an official certificate acknowledging this recognition.


For more information and to discover how to participate see the news.