MEMORI-net - Ischemic stroke: how to recognize it and how to intervene


On Friday 14th June 2019, the Azienda ULSS 4 - Veneto Orientale will organize a thematic day (Italian event) for patients, relatives, caregivers, and open to all people, entitled "Ischemic stroke: how to recognize it and how to intervene. The experience of the MEMORI-net project" (original title: "Ictus ischemico: come riconoscerlo e come intervenire. L’esperienza del progetto MEMORI-net"). It is organized with the support of the Association of Amici del Cuore and the Ne.Po. Onlus.

The event will be held in the Council Room of the Municipality of Portogruaro and will start at 17.00.

More information:

Funded Project Event
Data evento: 
Friday, June 14, 2019