Project's event - CROSSMOBY - Start of the cross-border rail service


The strategic project CROSSMOBY, funded by the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Italy Slovenia 2014-2020 , invites on Sunday, 9 September 2018 at 8.00 am to the Trieste railway station for the inauguration of the UDINE - TRIESTE - Ljubljana cross-border train service.

The start, of cross-border rail services between Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Republic of Slovenia, from September 9, 2018, is an important event that will see again the presence, after many years, of a direct daily rail link between the respective territories, ensuring a widespread connection between the territories and putting in direct relation, not only the regional capital Trieste together with Udine with the Slovenian capital Ljubljana, but also other important centers of the Republic of Slovenia and Friuli Venezia Giulia, significant for tourist values.

The tourist aspect in particular, is also valued with reference to cycling mobility, as the trains have 30 places / bikes and their path adjacent to cycle routes of European interest.

( 2 byte, pubblicato il 7 Settembre, 2018 - 13:17 )