MobiTour Focus Group for the evaluation of pilot action (Slovenia)


In the last months of the MobiTour project - Sustainable mobility of coastal tourism areas and the cross-border hinterland (funded by the Interreg VA Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 program), Focus Groups will be organized with local stakeholders for an evaluation of the pilot actions implemented and the identification of possible actions and strategies for capitalizing on the achieved results, at the local and cross-border level.

The first Focus Group will be organized in Slovenia, on July 2nd 2020, at the Škocjan Caves Park (Lead Partner of the project) with the support of the Municipality of Piran and of the Lipica Stud Farm.

Participants will have the opportunity to directly experience the project results, by having a trip with e-bikes and e-cars in the pilot area of the MobiTour project.
