Nov 16 2021
Nov 16 2021

CROSSMOBY - Interreg Italy-Slovenia and Interreg Italy Austria 2014/2020. Solutions for sustainable cross-border mobility: the contribution of the CROSSMOBY and BIKE NAT projects


Interreg Italy-Slovenia and Interreg Italy Austria 2014/2020. Solutions for sustainable cross-border mobility: the contribution of the CROSSMOBY and BIKE NAT projects

Triest, 25th November 2021

Sustainable cross-border mobility is the subject of the discussion organized by the regional administration, as a joint final conference of the projects CROSSMOBY and BIKE NAT.

CROSSMOBY - Interreg Italija-Slovenija in Interreg Italija Avstrija 2014/2020. Rešitve za trajnostno čezmejno mobilost: doprinos projektov CROSSMOBY in BIKE NAT


Interreg Italija-Slovenija in Interreg Italija Avstrija 2014/2020. Rešitve za trajnostno čezmejno mobilost: doprinos projektov CROSSMOBY in BIKE NAT

Trst, 25. november 2021

Trajnostna čezmejna mobilnost bo predmet razprave na skupni zaključni konferenci projektov CROSSMOBY in BIKE NAT, ki jo organizira regijska uprava.
