Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration.
The project’s overall objective is to improve the capacity for institutional cooperation on the part of public authorities and key social and healthcare service operators (public and private) dedicated to caring for the Program area’s elderly, in order to come up with joint solutions for the common challenge of ageing, using an economically competitive cross-border model for the integrated management of healthcare for the elderly, which will become a key element in terms of social cohesion.
The CrossCare project addressed the common challenges of the Programme area related to the ageing population with its important economic and financial implications and the imbalances in services related to social inclusion and welfare systems in the cross-border area. The general objective of the project aimed at strengthening the institutional cooperation capacity of public authorities and key operators of social and health care services dedicated to the care of the elderly, both public and private in the Programme area, and planning joint solutions to the common challenge of ageing. The objective has been pursued through a Crossborder Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Partners and the competent public authorities of the territory, focused on the joint model for the integrated and personalized care of the elderly developed and tested by CrossCare. The main outputs were the following: Crossborder Memorandum of Understanding, joint cross-border model for the integrated and personalized care of the elderly, specific joint training courses for social and health care professionals. The beneficiaries of the Project are the national, regional and local public authorities, social and health care professionals and especially the elderly, who were able to obtain a personalised and innovative type of care aimed at improving the quality of life and increasing the degree of social inclusion. The cross-border approach, through the strengthening of relations between public authorities in the social and health care sector and the exchange of best practices among key operators, has contributed to the harmonisation of policies in the sector and to the increase of knowledge necessary for the co-design and implementation of an effective and efficient integrated model. CrossCare's innovative approach and the integrated and personalized care model for the elderly and their families has focused on the needs of the individual, demonstrating the possibility of intervening by overcoming current practices of standardized services with a new paradigm of collaboration and community involvement.
The videos "CROSSCARE#aStory" are available in Italian and Slovenian at the following links:
The CrossCare project has contributed to increasing the intensity of cross-border cooperation in the Programme area between citizens and public authorities responsible for social and health care interventions for the care of the elderly.
The first result is the increased capacity for cross-border cooperation of public health and social authorities and stakeholders responsible for interventions dedicated to the care of the frail elderly. The result has been pursued through the strengthening of relationships at cross-border institutional level guaranteed by a partnership of excellence and collaboration with the major stakeholders and social and health policy makers of the Programme area.
A cross-border memorandum of understanding was jointly prepared and signed, which has contributed and will contribute to the strengthening of institutional and administrative capacity in the implementation of social and health services. In addition, new channels of communication and long-lasting cooperation between the project partners, who represent key stakeholders in care services for the elderly in the cross-border area, have been created.
The second result was an increase in the governance capacity of public health and social care authorities and their stakeholders, through the development of a single integrated cross-border model of accompanying care along the path of seniority, as well as through the cross-border harmonization of vocational training systems for social and health care professionals, new care managers and citizens' families. The model is based on the concept of active ageing and on a welfare community methodology, which will guarantee, on the one hand, economic sustainability and, on the other, the creation of an Italian-Slovenian strategy for the harmonisation of governance in the field of care for the elderly.
Following the references of the Lead Partner and the 5 project partners
Lead Partner
Cooperativa Itaca Cooperativa sociale onlus
Orietta Antonini
T. +39 0434 504000
@ o.antonini@itaca.coopsoc.it
Anna La Diega
@ a.ladiega@itaca.coopsoc.it
Luca Spagnol
@ l.spagnol@itaca.coopsoc.it
Andrea Zanolla
T. +39 320 7456802
Fax +390434504100
@ a.zanolla@itaca.coopsoc.it
Fabio Della Pietra
@ f.dellapietra@itaca.coopsoc.it
Raffaella Cavallo
T. +39 338 2973286
@ r.cavallo@itaca.coopsoc.it
1. Azienda Pubblica di Servizi alla Persona ITIS
Fabio Bonetta fb
@ fb@itis.it
Francesco Mosetti
T. +39 348 8761261
@ francesco.mosetti@itis.it
Daniela Pignolo
T. +39 327 7723443
@ daniela.pignolo@itis.it
Carlo Breda
@ carlo.breda@itis.it
Pierpaolo Gregori
@ ufficiostampa@itis.it
2. Residenza per anziani Giuseppe Francescon
Salvador Anna
T. +39 3668242300
@ personale@entefrancescon.it
Paolo Giacopello
T. +39 328 1027636
@ paologiacopello@entefrancescon.it
Daniele Dal Ben
@ direzione@entefrancescon.it
Chiara Perazzolo
T. +39 340 5579561
@ serviziosociale@entefrancescon.it
3. Obalni dom upokojencev Koper
Neva Tomazic
@ neva.tomazic@odu.si
Marina Ogrin
T. +38 6 (0)5 66 59 711 +38 6 30 710 007
@ marina.ogrin@odu.si
Snezana Jerman
Jana Hrescak
T. +386 41 665 495
@ jana.hrescak@odu.si
4. DEOS, celostna oskrba starostnikov, d.d
Miha Kranjc
T. +386 82002415 +386 30690224
@ miha.kranjc@deos.si
5. IRSSV Inštitut Rs Za Socialno Varstvo
Nejc Vidrih
@ nejc.vidrih@guest.arnes.si
T. +386 1 2000 255
Polona Dremelj
T. +386 1 2000 261
@ polona.dremelj@guest.arnes.si
Urban Boljka
@ urban.boljka@guest.arnes.si
The project involves also these associated patners:
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Direzione centrale salute, integrazione socio sanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia
Marcolongo Adriano
T. +39 040 3771111
@ salute@regione.fvg.it
Massimiliano Mahnich
@ massimiliano.mahnic@regione.fvg.it
T. +39 040 3775579
Regione Veneto - Direzione Servizi Sociali
Pinzauti Antonella
T. 003904127 91420
@ segr.generale@regione.veneto.it
Palanta Claudia
T. 003904127 91407
@ Claudia.Palanta@regione.veneto.it
Città di Sacile
Ceraolo Roberto
T. 003904347 87111
@ sindaco@comsacile.regione.fvg.it
Salton Maurizia
T. 003904347 36384
@ Maurizia.salton@comsacile.regione.fvg.it
Ambito Distrettuale 6.1 (Servizio Sociale)
Lisetto Miralda
T. 0039 04347 87220
@ miralda.lisetto@ambitosacile.it
Simon Giorgio
T. 0039 04343 69111
@ dg@aas5.sanita.fvg.it
Carniello Siro
T. 0039 34722 28686
@ Giorgio.carniello@aas5.sanita.fvg.it
Azienda Locale Socio Sanitaria n. 10 “Veneto Orientale”
Bramezza Carlo
T. 0039 04212 28017
@ Direzione.generale@ulss10.veneto.it
Filippi Mauro
T. 0039 04212 28021
@ Direttore.servizisociali@ulss10.veneto.it
Zdravstven i dom Koper
Ravnikar Matevž
T. 0038 65664 7100
T. 0038 65664 7225
@ info@zdkoper.si
@ Matevz.Ravnikar@ZD-Koper.si
Kopa Mrak Anja
T. 0038 61369 770
@ gp.mddsz@gov.si
Kenda Aleš
T. 0038 61369 7786
@ ales.kenda@gov.si
Milojka Kolar Celarc
T. 0038 61478 6001
@ gp.mz@gov.si
Buzeti Tatjana
T. 0038 61478 6099
@ tatjana.buzeti@gov.si
Lead Partner
Project partner 1
Project partner 2
Project partner 3
Project partner 4
Project partner 5
![]() | Poster evento annuale 30/05/2018 CrossCare_ITA.pdf ( 461 bytes, published on 12 June, 2018 - 10:22 ) |
![]() | CrossCare - Brochure CrossCare_Brochure.pdf ( 582 bytes, published on 4 February, 2020 - 16:58 ) |
![]() | CrossCare_ROLLUP_80x200.pdf ( 791 bytes, published on 4 February, 2020 - 16:58 ) |
![]() | 190418_Protocol_IT-SI_fc.pdf ( 8 bytes, published on 4 February, 2020 - 16:58 ) |
CrossCare integrates the institutional cooperation of territorial services dedicated to the care of the elderly in order to plan joint solutions for the common challenge of ageing, through a cross-border model for the care of the elderly. The model identifies the new professional figure of the "care manager", provides for the establishment of Elderly Service Points within Retirement Homes and qualifies the home service as a key element in active ageing strategies.
The Crosscare Project has designed and successfully tested an innovative model for taking care of the frail elderly person at home.
9 Elderly Service Points have been set up in as many old people's homes in Italy and Slovenia which served as an operational centre and were supervised by the figure of the Care Manager.
2 PSAs in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Sacile, Tieste), 1 PSA in Veneto (Portogruaro) and 6 PSAs in Slovenia (1 in Koper, 5 in the DEOS nursing homes: Notranje Gorice, Horjul, Ljubljana (Trnovo, Črnuče), Medvode).
The 5 Care Managers carried out the selection, profiling and taking care of users with the help of the Personal Lab Platform (Zancan).
The experimentation (duration 6 months) allowed, with the help of the polar scheme, to represent in a multidimensional way the needs (at T0, T1 and T2), to monitor the variations in the user's state of well-being and to modify the intervention plan to better support the areas of fragility.
A Cross-border Memorandum of Understanding was also drawn up and signed by all the Partners and Associated Partners of Italy and Slovenia.
Finally, CrossCare has activated a series of training courses involving Care Managers, staff and operators of Rest Homes, professionals and users and their families. 10 courses have been activated involving more than 350 people. Among the courses activated are Gentlecarecare Method, Validation, Basal Stimulation, Transcendental Meditation.